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By Zirconicusso from Freedigitialphotos.net |
1. You look silly.
Honestly, you and everyone around you know that it'd weird only because we're inside. If you were outside throwing bails of hay anything other then jeans would be stupid. However, barbells aren't going to sting or cut you.
Honestly, you and everyone around you know that it'd weird only because we're inside. If you were outside throwing bails of hay anything other then jeans would be stupid. However, barbells aren't going to sting or cut you.
2. They don't move.
Even with some spandex in the make up, your normal range of movement is now down to 60% or less.
3. They make you instantly hotter.
Gym classes are usually in rooms inside of giant redone warehouses. This means air flow and circulation was not the first and most important part of construction. Even with fans, movements that normally have no affect have you dripping.
4. Now that you're hot and sweaty your jeans now stick to you.
This increases your risk for ripping the jeans and restricts movement. See 2. for more information.
5. Nice sweaty waist band.
I, like most people wear a belt with their pants. That means all the sweat rolling down your back has to go somewhere. So it goes straight down to your waist and in your waist band. Which is the spot that normally takes longer to dry out. Which is nice.
6. You now go back to work smelly
Because the shorts were forgotten and the force of wearing your jeans to gym class, now you get to shower, wash your face, put on a new layer of deodorant, and put sweaty gross jeans back on. Awesome!
7. Saggy butt.
The jeans you sweated in also stretched and even though it limited your flexibility, it still did bend and move in ways it is not normally accustomed to it now sags. The normal 3 days or so of wear you can get out of it is now cut down to as soon as you get home they are washed. For the rest of the day they will hang loose and unflattering.
8. You feel silly.
Have you ready 1-7 yet? All the reasons above are now going through your head in a loop. Your lack of coordination and two left feet make the already questionable Zumba skills are doubled. Okay, lets triple it for be more fair.
In summary, double check your bag more than once. Black things at the bottom of the bag could be your shorts OR New Dude's T-shirt.
Also, I was hoping to make it a list of 10 things, however as you can tell, I kind of failed.
Thanks for reading! Let me know if there was another reason you should never, ever wear jeans to the gym with a comment below.