What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Friends of ShanShan

Here is where I can brag about my friends and do some promoting for them as well!

Bucket Head.
Bucket was first given to me by a friend. I had talked about how it would be awesome to walk into a grocery store with your list on a manikin's arm. Not only would it be super amusing, it could be helpful with items on the top shelf, scratching your back, and just shaking hands with people could could be sick. Instead of an arm though, I had the body of a manikin, well minus the arms and head. The actual look came about in an April Fools prank pulled on my house, and so he's been with me ever sense.

Friend and co-worker for several years. This creative man is helping make Adventure with ShanShan look good! Check out examples of his work by clicking on his picture or name!

Mr. Coffee
Mr. Coffee was a Christmas surprise from when I still had only one didget for how old I was. He's been with me ever sense to join me on car rides, photo shoots, and to sunggle with both on the couch and in bed. Plus he acts as a good gage on how big my neices and nephews are getting.

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