What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Monday, January 26, 2015


*Note* this post was written Monday of the Martin  Luther King Jr. Holiday.

We have heat!!!!!!!

I am so happy to not have to walk around in layers and layers and face the static charges from blankets any more. It makes me so happy!

Be smarter than I am check your oil tanks!

A recent picture on Facebook is going around. It has a sign that says "Life is hard, and it's even harder if you're stupid." I would, after that cold weekend have to agree.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

No Heat

*Note* this post was written Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday weekend.

This weeks blog is brought to you from under a blanket and with cold hands and feet.

We have oil heat for our house.

In November the oil company came and filled up our tank.

There is a little tube that shows the level of the tank. The tank lives in the basement, something I visit at least once a day.

I have not accounted for how cold some days have been in the last few weeks. I have now paying the price.

I woke up Saturday morning and was like, why is it so cold in here?

I went and checked the thermostat and it was 5 degrees cooler than what it was set for. So I went and checked out the oil tak gauge and it says empty.

We've now ordered more oil but it's a weekend. We'll have to wait and see when they can come. Hopefully Monday. Tuesday at the latest.

This adventure is cold and brought on only by stupidity. Maybe next time I'll keep a closer eye on it. Live and learn and hope not to do it twice.

Cavity Free!

Picture borrowed from IMDB.com
Cavity free for 28 years. This is exciting!

I also think that is one of the reasons, even after braces and a 1/3 of a tooth partially left after a wisdom teeth extraction, I'm still okay with going to the dentist.

I also heard the happy news that my baby teeth are still doing well.

Yes, that is right, my baby teeth. I still have two left. For a long time I thought they were one of the reason's I never felt like I fully turned into a grown up for somethings. I don't think that is true as much as it's just how I'm wired.

Every time I learn about the fate of my baby teeth though I think about the movie "Toothless." The basic plot, spoiler alert, is if you have you baby teeth you can still see the tooth fairy. Once, you loose all your baby teeth you cannot see her any more. I cannot loose these little guys so she comes visit, BUT if she was around I could see her. Which, seeing people other's cannot see probably isn't a good skill to have.....

Does any one else still have their baby teeth? Has anyone else see this movie?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 4

I've made it to day Four of a crazy test thing I'm doing.

Or at least I'm pretty sure I have. I have a fear that I'm either going to spontaneously start to sleep walking and eat straight sugar. Or someone tries to slip it in my food like a roofie in a drink.

Anyway, I think my success thus far is mostly due to planning my meals and snacks out and having TONS of them at hand. I also think treating myself to not the norm is motivating.

The first two or three days were  rough. I kept thinking about food WAY more than I had in a very long time. I like cup cakes but I don't LOVE cup cakes and that was all I could think about.

The positive is that at least I'm not starving. The first few days of trying to do Weight Watchers was just me being hungry and cranky.

I am 4 days in, and I hope that I can keep this going! I don't want to start back at day 1.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Last Beer

This was my last beer for at least 14 days.

Why do you ask? That is a great question! 

I am currently on the search for my carbohydrates limit. To find this limit you have to first remove all of them from your diet. 

What exactly does that mean? 

No fruit.
No fruit juice.
No sugar.
No milk.
No bread.
No beans.
No rice.
No corn.
No potatoes.
No beer.
No processed anything.

Wish me luck on this newest adventure! The last time I tried to go no carbohydrates I made it 30 hours before eating a bowl of cereal while waiting for the water to boil for my pasta. 

Has anyone else tried to cut out carbs this far? Please let me know if you made it! I hope you did!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Ribs Story

By amenic181 from freedigitalphotos.net
So let me tell you a story of me being dumb from a long time ago.

I was working late closing the restaurant when the manger started asking people if they wanted some ribs.

Slightly confused and curious, I was like okay.

Someone had prepped the ribs earlier that night but hadn't put the ribs into the walk-in before the internal temperature dropped too low to sell.

Now that means the meat was still fine but couldn't be sold. I took about 8 full racks, put them in big clean trash bags and brought them how.

The problem is that I was REALLY tired and the meat HAD to be cooked that night.

Oh, and don't know anything about cooking ribs.

I took about 20  minutes putting different rubs on the ribs. I put a layer of a aluminium foil on the bottom rack of the oven and put all the ribs on the top rack. I put the temperature to like 300 degrees and then went to bed.

Yes, I went to bed. My thought process was that it would cook slowly all night, I'd wake up in the morning, take them out, put them in the fridge and go to work.

Nope. An hour and half later the smoke alarms are going off. I come our of the bedroom (door is closed so not much smoke came into my room) and the house is FILLED with smoke. It's an hour an half later.

I immediately open all the doors, windows, and turn any fans on full blast. The problem is I don't have fans in the living room or dinning rooms. I pull box fans out of the basement and point them at the doors.

The cause was not a fire but all the fat/grease was hitting the bottom of the hot stove and causing the smoke.

Now, the ribs at this point are moved from the oven to the grill outside.

I was tired, I was delirious and I still wanted to save the ribs and I figured I had not cooked them long enough. Which, writing this, I could have put them in the fridge at that point and tried again the next day. However, I was not of sound mind.

The grill idea sound good, except that there was no light outside, the flames are VERY close to the meat, and I was not paying attention.

No, I was on my front porch with the light on watching the smoke leave the house through the screen door.

Needless to say, about 45 minutes I was crawling back into bed. My house smelling like bad, very bad, the now burnt ribs in the fridge and fans still on full blast.

The next day I tried to cut the burnt parts off the ribs and throw the rest of good parts into a crock pot to finish the cooking. The meat tasted like burnt.

I take away from this experience that ribs have more grease than one would think. Cleaning that much grease off the bottom of the stove is not a fun game. Smoke burns your eyes really bad.

Anyone else have a life fail like this? Please let me know with a comment below!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Who am I?

Can you tell who I was for Halloween?

I even made the hat myself! 

What? I know!?!?!

I'm mostly impressed that when I washed it, it stayed together!

Who were you for Halloween? Or let me know what cartoon character you would be if you could be someone drawn with a comment below!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Never Again

I had bought a giant box of Rice Crispy's.
We had some marshmellows left over from a camping trip.
I pointed out the directions on the box to New Dude.
I left for work.
I came home.
This is what I found.
I really don't have words.

Actually that's a lie. The words would be run, far, far, away from these "treats."

Friday, January 9, 2015

Meet Moomba!

Meet my cat!

We've had her for about 2.5 months now but I've been a slacker since before that.

She is a random stray that meowed at our picture window, knocked over a gnome and walked into our hearts.

Well, it depends on the moment.

Right now curled up on the couch with me, so cute, so sweet, so calm. I'd say give it another hour and then we're going to have to switch our opinion.

Normally, I start describing her as spawn of satin or devil incarnate or something like that.

Oh well, I'll enjoy it while she's still cute.