What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Peep Peeps

Trying new things sometimes involves a shoe box.

This shoe box happens to have chicks in it. We have 5 Red Rhode Island Reds and 5 Americanas. New Dude and I in the process of doing some homesteading and learning how to use what we have to try new things. 

One of those things are these chickens.

They are growing so very fast. We started off by keeping them in a tub,

And now we have moved them outside of the tub.

They are hard to catch and I think I could be slightly afraid of them. Which is completely illogical because they are like 1/10 of my size. They don't have teeth, they don't know how to peck and you or use their claws. So why does it freak me out to grab one? No idea, but it does.

The weather has dropped and so we're unable to fully move them outside. I guess the big step would be to build their coop. Also, from the excitement my dog shows, a way to keep them inside and safe from the dog. 

Anyone else have chickens? Is so what kind? Have you lost any to anything besides other animals? Please let me know with a comment below.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Buzz Buzz B*^&s

So, there I was minding my own business when I hear a buzz. 

A giant fly was in the house. Where it came from I have no idea. What I do know is that this is apparently one thing that the dog, cat and husband will all stare at intently. Like unblinking focus.

Do you see what I mean? I don't know if they were blinking.

They all went after it in their different way.the dog chased and chomped at it.

The cat jumpped and swatted at it.

The husband took the shot it approach.

The husband was the winner of this fly off. Honestly only after like 3-4 shots.

I'd ask if anyone else has had a night like this...but I lean more towards probably not.

I guess it is safe to say, bugs you've been warned.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Not Roast

This is a picture of failure.

This is a picture of  good intentions.

This is a picture of effort going pretty much to waste.

This is my pot roast. I got up early in the morning, after cutting up all the veggies the night before, threw it in the crockpot, and walked away. I went to work, told the husband about dinner ready for him, I felt like a proud wife/successful multitasking woman of the 21st century.

Until I came home. The husband had eaten fast food and the house was strangely normal smelling.

Yup, you guessed it, I started to cook this meal, put it in the crock pot, and then DID NOT PLUG it in.

Fail, fail, and double fail.

Once the issue was corrected we still cooked it, ate it, and it worked out okay. Should we have eaten it... eh that leans more towards no..... but it smelled okay and tasted fine, I mean cooking for 12 hours has to kill something right?

Anyone else have a fail like this? If so leave a comment below!

As always, thanks for reading!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Little Library

I went for a walk with my puppy the other day. The same goal as I always have, just wear him out and down.

I get tired of walking around my neighborhood and the local greenway so I decided to wander around the neighborhood behind the coffee shop that let's me bring the puppy inside. I hate leaving him in the car, I have a fear of someone smashing my car windows in an attempt to "save" him.

Anyway, I found this little thing. It is apparently a community library, where if you want to borrow a book, you do, read it and bring it back. If you don't want to read anything you could just drop off a book for others to read. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I wasn't in a reading mood so I didn't borrow anything.

I wonder if it bother's the owners of the house for the random people stopping and standing outside of their house? Or maybe they are used to it by now? No idea.

Anyway, I thought this little gem was cool. Does anyone else have one of these in their neck of the woods? If so leave a message below!

As always, thanks for reading!