What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Canada Eh?

I recently went on a trip to visit some family in the great country of Canada. For those who have never been, it is quite a beautiful country, and yes, they do say Eh just as much as we say ya’ll.

We played a lot of compare and contrast while over there. Here are a couple of random facts and fun things that I saw while over there.

1.       In our hotel room we had a don’t put hangers on the sprinkler system. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve never seen a sprinkler that low or just never paid attention, but I was amuzed.

2.       Most milk is sold in bags.

3.       Looks at their buses! I mean, I know in NYC they had long buses connected together, but you could walk between the two parts, not this one. It’s like mini train.

4.       Everything is more expensive there.

5.       You cannot tell, but their little cross walk guy has feet.

6.       The drinking age is 19.

7.       Traffic cones are Black and Orange. Just a bit different. I wanted to take one home but thought it might be hard to explain at the bored crossing.

8.       Where else do you get to hang out with Mounties?

9.       If you win the lottery you do not have to pay taxes on your winnings. If you win $1million dollars you get all of it.

10.   I’m not sure if this sign is real or not but it is very cool.

11.   Their bathrooms are called Washrooms. You’re also not suppose to take pictures in Casinos(that’s where this picture is from ).

12.   Their heads do not bob back and forth like shown on South Park.

13.   Mail boxes are red.

14.   Their one dollar are coins called Loonies and two dollars are coins called Toonies
15.   Share the road sign for all my biker friends.

If you get a chance go check out Canada. Make sure you talk nicely to the border crossing people, bring a passport, and have lots of fun!

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