What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Getting in touch with my inner Mario.

The other day is was in the ladies restroom at work and walked in to my favorite stall. I don’t know if everyone has a favorite or default stall, but I do, I am a creature of habit. Anyway, I was in the process of closing the door behind me when I realized the top was down. Odd, and then I realized it was because the toilet needed to be flushed. No worries, I can work the handle, but it just giggled uselessly up and down and so I decided to use another stall.

As I was going to leave the bathroom I had a moment where I was like, I think I can solve this problem. So I walk back into my favorite stall, took the lid off of the toilet, place it on the seat and check out the tank. Yup, the chain to the handle and the little floater thing that control the water lever and the valve that opens up to let more water out had come undone. I stuck my arm in the tank reconnected everything, flushed the toilet, put the top back on and went to go wash my hands.

It wasn’t until I was walking out of the restroom that I started to shake my head, laugh and even question what I did. I mean, fixing that issue on a toilet, not a problem. It took all of a minute. But why? I’m not a plumber. Heck, I don’t wear overalls with a red shirt, (I do wear overalls. Have you tried a pair lately? They are quite fantastic.) white hat, or have a mustache. I have no idea why. Still don’t. I could say it was me doing my little bit of good for the day, or because I can so I did. But whatever the reason, the toilet now works. Win for me!

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