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This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Ostrich Omlet

 The other night I had some friends over. We were getting together to chill, get caught up with life, work, families, the goings ons of things. To make these easier on everyone we like to pot-luck them. Everyone takes turns hosting the event to have the main meal.
This week was at my house and I was co-hosting with a friend. We were having barbecue pork. My responsibilities were basically buns and drink and a dessert. It was delicious.
One of my friends brought along something new and exciting to try, it was an Ostrich egg.
Because of my desire to cross things off my bucket list, and try all kinds of foods, we decided to eat this egg. We went for an omelet so we could add some cheese.

So first thing we did was wash the egg. You know, try and get it cleaner.
Second, wash the hatchet or tomahawk thing being used to open said egg.
Third, hack at egg, as you can see my friend was doing.


After a little bit we had the egg open. 

Now the egg is open and so we poured it in a over huge giant metal bowl.
We had gotten some shell in there so that is our attempt to pick it out. We also tried straining it but the stuff is so thick it did not work, like at all. After some more picking shell out of the egg it was time to try and mix it.

The picture below is showing how think an Ostrich egg shell is. But you have to remember these birds weigh a couple hundred pounds. If they were to sit on a regular chicken egg, they would crush them with their body weight. Which, would be a bad thing. 
After several minutes of trying to get this thing beaten, de-shelled, and ready to go we had this bowl of egg. This is one egg, and that, floating in it is a 1 cup measuring cup. I think there were about 8 cups or more of Ostrich Egg.

So after a few minutes of cooking we end up with this lovely omelet.
The question is first, how did it taste? I would say the taste of the egg is that of a normal egg but just stronger. The texture is very much more dense and heavier than a normal chicken egg. It had a few clear/while area where it just didn't mix well, but over all, butter, cheese, and Ostrich egg, tasted wonderful!
Don't get me wrong, I kept kind of gagging every few bites because for some reason it was freaking me out mentally, but still, if you have the option to eat one, go for it!

What is some of the oddest things you have eaten? Would you recommended trying it again? Please let me know by leaving a comment below. Thanks!

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