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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Remembrance Run

This past weekend my friend, a Hookie Alumni, went to the remembrance run.

It was a very interesting event.
It was to honor the 32 Hookies that lost their lives this day back in 2007.
Over all it was very well managed, organized, started on time, and was good event.
There were a few things like more bathrooms and the use of sound system or mega phones to direct the crowd that could have been better.
My friend and I, by accident, ended at the front. They kept telling people to move back behind a line that no one knew about. This mean the front part of the crowd basically just became super squished and no personal bubbles existed as we were smashed together. Insert mega phone here.
They had the moment of silence and then released the white balloons to let people know the race started. Then the crowd released their balloons as well and we were off.
Virginia Tech has some hills. I know they are in the mountains and we drove through them to get there but I was still shocked and surprised by what we ran over. It is a very pretty campus and we got to see a nice tour of it too.
Some of their music groups, like choir, came out and sang for the runners.
I saw the Hookie Bird, we just didn't pull out our camera fast enough for a picture.
We were able to run through the tunnel and on their football field which was really cool. They have a crazy nice stadium.
The oddest yet coolest thing about Hookies is that if anyone yells "Let's Go" they always get the response back of "Hookies!" It is engrained into their entire body.
Everyone does it. It didn't matter some one always said something in return. It was a crazy game of Marco Polo but no one was blind folded.
I was wearing my favorite running visor, Michigan University. Being in another schools campus I had a lot of bad looks, one "Michigan" filled with detest and one "Go Blue." At least I wasn't wearing UVA.
Here are some pictures below.
Take a moment in all the craziness that is happening in your day to think about all the people that aren't with us. For those who have died in tragedy's, wars, sickness, old age, or just in accidents. Take a moment and reflect on what you learned from them, what they mean to you, and how you can live your life to honor them.

Guys waiting to take picture

Release of white balloons after moment of silence.



Starting to run
Going into the tunnel
In the tunnel
Leaving the tunnel
On the filed.
Race is finished and the sun is bright apparently.
Walking towards the food and drinks(all water and Gatorade)
Filed where everyone was chilling and waiting for more runners/walkers to finish.

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