What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Friday, August 9, 2013

Attack! In a bad way.

Hello there. This blog is about what you should not do to your face. Or really any skin you have on your body.
Gooey from Neosporin

The picture really says it all. It says, do not attack yourself because of one tiny little bump.

It says, do not use fingers when they are not doing anything.

It is says use patience and wait until you get home. Then kindly asks whomever there to instead help you out.

This picture says, sometimes a sewing needle is needed to make the white head come out, which is a lot less time, pain, and a lot cleaner.

This pictures says I learned this too late. Which means now I have this fun spot on my face.

It should go away.

I hope. We shall see. But this is not a burn of any kind, this is just my stupid leaking out. Don't be stupid, Don't pick your face.


1 comment:

  1. awww poor shanshan dont worry you look beautiful no matter what
