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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hair Donation

A few weeks ago I donated my hair. I had been growing it out for the last 6 years and it was starting to get to the point where it was annoying me. 

I would roll over on it. I  get it caught in everything. I felt like it was everywhere, on clothes, in my food, all over the bathroom, all over the floor just every where. 

If I put it in a pony tail you could barely tell. Plus, it would hurt my head if left up too long. So I decided to cut it. I've been waning to do it for a while but New Dude like long hair so I kept pushing it off. 

I chose to donate it to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths for two reason.
1. The minimum donation is only 8 inches vs Locks for Love is 10. I have donated for them before too.
2. They don't make the recipients of the wigs pay for them. Locks for Loves makes them pay for it. 

So the day finally came. 

My hair stylist straightened my hair. She measured 9 inches, then put a rubber band around the small pony tail, braided it and in less them 3 seconds 6 years worth of growth came off. 

It was kind of sad but at the same time great because I could help someone, I hope, make their day, when they do get that new wig a little bit happy. 

Below are some before and after pictures. Enjoy.

Also, has anyone else donated hair before? What did you think? Where did you donate? Let me know with a comment below!

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