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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mother's Day Do's and Don'ts

As a few of you may or may not know, but this Sunday, May 12, 2013, is Mother's Day.

This is a day with a lot of mixed emotions.

Some people are having feelings because they may or may not have their Mother's for whatever reason still present in their lives.

They may feel like this is just another big corporations get together just trying to take more money out of our pockets for another fake holiday.

Some people may feel that mom's do their job because the love it and they should just "know" they are appreciated.

Regardless of what you think here is a simple Do and Don't list that I just made up to help you with your decisions about this holiday.

1. Call, send a card, or show up, regardless, and make sure your mom KNOWS that you are thinking about her on Sunday. By not doing this or doing this late... well you're just asking for hurt feelings all which can be avoided.

2. Not getting something for your Mother on Mother's Day is like her telling you she wants sheets for her birthday. No one, or at least 99.9% of people don't actually want sheets for their birthday. This is kind of like a birthday, do a little indulgence. Do the watch she has been looking at, maybe a new bath robe, something awesome and not normally on the to be purchased list.

3. No money? No worries! Make something. There is the option to find some old pictures and paste them to a board, make up a song, write a poem, pick flowers from your yard and deliver them to her house. If you don't have flowers in your yard.. maybe your neighbors? Do something! She is your Mom she is obligated to love anything you've made.

4. DO NOT GO OUT TO EAT! Seriously, stupidest idea ever. If you want to treat you mother to something fancy to eat over the next few days do it by Wednesday or wait until Monday, otherwise you'll be showing you Mom how much you love her by making her starve for 2 hours sitting in a cramped uncomfortable restaurants with hundreds of other Moms. DO NOT DO IT! If you do go out make sure to read this guide first.

5. If you still want to treat her to some great food and cannot cook, it is called the FROZEN section of the grocery store. Just try to follow the directions and use lots of timers. Done!

6. Do something different. If she likes museums and you don't, suck it up for a weekend and go look at some old stuff. If she's always talked about painting like Bob Ross, get her a class or maybe just a bunch of paints. Go for a walk, or make a craft of like wax paper stain glass. If she just wants to get the yard cleaned up, put on your boots and start cleaning up the yard. It is her day do what she wants, and not just some of the day, but ALL day.

7. Give cards and congratulations to new mom's or mom's that just had babies. I feel you are not required to tell them every year but you better not forget their first year. At least send a card or something.

8. If you mom is far away then make sure you call and make up for it the next time you see her. Why? Why not? She brought you into this world and she could probably take you out. There is no need to test that theory.

9. Grandma's also have the word MA in their title, that means they should at least get a call or a card. They had do the Mom thing so you could even EXIST, for real, so send them some love.

10. The biggest and most important thing to do on Mother's Day is just make sure the special people in you life, those with us and those who are not, know they are loved. Take a moment, thank them truly and sincerely for all that they have done for us, do for us, and will do for us. Everyone, even when they are just doing their JOB, needs a little reminder that people do notice, do care, and are appreciated for it.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there. If you have any more Do's or Don't you think should be on this list leave a comment below!


  1. Shannon, What an awesome list-- but I have to disagree with you on number 7. Doing so is of course nice and thoughtful however I do not think telling new moms- be it neighbors, friends, or coworkers etc. - Happy Mother's Day is a definite DO. I mean if you are around them, it's be kind of natural or nice- like "Hey! Have a great first Mother's Day!" but it should not be something that's on the "TO DO" list for that calendar holiday. There are many people who are unable to have children or not in the position, financially or otherwise, to raise a child but would have loved to be a mom. I am sensetive to those people as well when I am wishing other people Happy Mother's Day. I think we need an "Everybody's Terrific" Holiday. Where anyone and everyone can get a card, phone message, or present just because. Why? Because to be honest, as a self sufficient single, childless renter paying for postgraduate school I am kind of tired doing the recognition and acknowledgement (verbal, gift or money) for bridal showers, new homes, baby showers, anniversaries, birthdays, christmas, and all the other events that come along with others' kids- baptism, communion, birthdays, graduations, and their school fundraisers/girl scout cookies...and what do I ever get beside a thank you, a birthday gift, and a christmas gift? Ok, I am off my soap box. Thank you for listening. I'm just saying that these Holidays are very Commercialized and Hallmark-y. Every Day should be a special day for ourselves, for our moms, and for the loved ones in our lives. We only have one life to live and it's best to make every day count. Speak kind sentiments, share joy, and give smiles to everyone!

    1. Lynn, I think your "Everybody's Terrific Day" would be an awesome idea. What day do you think we should have it on? I can relate to the self sufficient, single, childless, renter lifestyle and how all of those other events I go to support can get tiring. You have a valid point for number 7 maybe being a better suggestion then a must. Thanks for your comments!!!

    2. Hmm. What day should it be? I don't know, maybe once a week tell someone they are awesome. We all, including myself, get wrapped up in the business of what we call life that it's easy to take people and relationships for granted. If everyone chose someone to acknowledge, each week of their life, in a positive way it might make people less grumpy.
