What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013


So I did it. I finally bought a pomegranate. It actually sat on my counter for about a week before I had the time to both take pictures for the blog post and actually eating it.
The first thing I realized was that I have no idea how to tell if one is ripe or not. I want to say I looked in the produce guide that is now sitting in the grocery store's produce section. I said to pick one that feels heavier then it looks.

They all looked and felt the same so that was of no help.

I had a pretty hard one and it stayed hard. It wasn't like a peach or banana over time where it softens this pomegranate just kind of stayed the same hardness.
I know first from a movie and then form co-workers that you eat the seeds and that is it. I was like alright I can do this. So I cut it open.
Then I tried to dig around for the seeds.
So the seeds were firm. I was not expecting that. I was thinking they would be like little squishy packets, but they were actually quite firm.
I took a few and popped them in my mouth and started to chew.

The flavor was good but the seeds, well, it's mostly seed. I kept chewing, knowing the people said you eat the seed. So I was eating the seeds. I did this for a little bit until I felt like I had sawdust in my mouth. I promptly went over the sink and spit everything out.
I decided to take this little adventure outside.
I did not want to eat the seeds part so I was instead taking the little clusters of seeds, which were way easier to get at with the fingers then a spoon and put them in my mouth. I would then pop all the little juice sacks around the seed. Once all of the juice sacks had been popped, I spit the rest of the seeds out like a machine gun.
Summary: These are a lot of work. I have no idea if they are suppose to be hard like it was or not. I also now know why their juice is so expensive. There is a lot of work for a little bit of return. I shall try these again, but probably outside and not wearing anything that I don't want ruined. The little bit of juice that landed on my cutting board stained it. I know it will come out, but what would have happened if I was wearing white?
Go try something new and exciting and eat a pomegranate. Let me know what I can do better for next time! Also if there are any other fruits that I should eat with a comment below!

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