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Image courtesy of Keerati / FreeDigitalPhotos.net |
Sometimes when I reflect on how my day went, I have those, "How does it happen to me type?" type of day. Well, I kind of had one of those. Not in a bad way, just one of those very random type ways.
Last weekend I went to spend time with my sister and her little baby. We talked, chatted, ran an errand or two until it was dinner time. For dinner we went to their local fire station to enjoy some spaghetti. It wasn't amazing by any means, but all the proceeds went towards equipment and training. These fire fighters are all volunteer and do have a budget, but extra money always helps right?
After the dinner they had some kids playing so music. They were on one of those tv shows, like Americans Got Talent or the X Factor or something. I don't know and it doesn't matter. It was some siblings with the oldest looking about 16 and the youngest about 8. They were good, it was kind of country, kind of blue grass, kind of something that involves a stand up base, madlin, and guitiars.
While standing around taking in a random old school firetruck in a bubble, the random assortment of people, and the little kids dancing like crazy in front of the stage. I was jealous of their lack of selfconcioushiness. If kids aren't shy then they just go all out wherever they happen to be. It is a trait I wish hadn't been pushed down and away as an adult.
Anyway, my sister's neighbor, how had help orgainze this event, came up to us and was like hey, can one of you help auction off some cakes and baked goods? My sister and her husband ofcourse volunterred me. I was like, are you serious? Do you really need someone? She said yes. I again tried to get out of it by asking if she'd asked anyone else. She was like we've asked like 5 other people and they all said no and you don't know anyone here so it would be fine.
I do talk fast and I've never tired to auction off anything before, so sure, why not? She let me know when I needed to come do this thing.
The kids on stage played a few more songs as my nerves started to get a little bit more jumbled up.
My brother-in-law asked if I needed to practice. I was like nope I'm good, I'll just wing it. Which the last time I just winged it, it was at their wedding and that speech.. well the guests liked it and there was some laughing. Which normally don't happen at wedding.. so yeah, not the best idea.
The kids announced it was their last song and I was given the wave to come over. I put my phone on silent and went over to find out how we'd do this. She's have the cart below, she'd tell me what kind of cake it was, we'd try to start the bidding at $5 and go up from there.
I get on stage and go to the microphone which would suit me best, which the littlest of the kids had used, however the sound is off. So I get to play Goldie Locks with a few microphones until I find the one that still had sound.
So the first cake is handed up and I describe it as a delisoush cake that is delisoush.
Yeah, I was nervous from there. The good news, I didn't repeat the same discriptive word after that.
However, I did get lost on what cake we had and what the last number to be bid was. Also, one couple was in the corner of my eye and I missed seeing them bid like twice. Oops. But people were cool about it, helped me out and I made it through.
The most excitement went to two guys who paid $45 each for some coconut cream pies. I sure hope they were good.
So yes, I can now add auctioneer to my random list of random things I've done and never thought I would.
As so everyone can be amused, my sister was kind enough to send me the short video she took of the event. I haven't seen it yet, and don't plan too, but enjoy.
Has anyone else had something like this happen to them? If so leave a comment below.