What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hunt Club Weekend

This weekend, my adventure was a family gathering. New Dude came with me to meet the rest of siblings and family friends, and just other people that are apart of my life.

We left Friday night, a bit later then I had planned in my mind, but that is okay. One thing I am learning is that two people, apparently, take more time to get ready then one person.

We arrived that night, said our hellos, had a drink or two and headed to bed.

I had the pleasure of having crazy dreams about being stabbed and looking for help. Good thing it was just a dream because when I woke up it was time for pancakes. 

Soon we were setting up food, tables, all the guys started to pull out all of their toys, and by toys I mean guns of all sorts. They ranged from pistols to shot guns and rifles.

The boys spent a lot of time hanging out, talking, and shooting targets. Up the hill by the house was what in my mind, was the kids holding pen.

There were about 4 kinds 3-8 and about 5 babies a year or less old. It was toys, and diapers, and food, with a circle of women, grandpas, and moms hanging out talking.

Someone joked about this being a BYOB event, Bring Your Own Baby. I was like sorry, I just had beer.

It was a really great day. The food was fantastic, the company chill and fun. All the babies were entertaining to watch.

The boys had two shooting contests, one with shot guns and one with pistols. New Dude won the pistol competition. I was super excited for him!

We saw some people  fishing and pulled in a 53lb catfish. That things was huge.

New Dude and I went for a swim in the James River, where I found out that I have turned into a 5 year old. Little mineos trying to eat dead skin cells off my legs freaks me out. If sea weed touched me, I was also having issues. Most of the swimming was actually me climbing on New Dude while I was kicking my legs to keep the fish away. He mostly just laughed. Still fun, but I need to grow up a tad.

Random thought. What is it call sea weed if you can find it in lakes, steams, and rivers?

It was a great weekend. Lots of talk, stories, and fun and the rain held off enough not to make it too wet or hard.

On the way home we stopped at his grandpas house and then his folks house. It was going to be a little 2-3 hour visit, which turned into about a 7 hour visit. Apparently, they like me and New Dude, are also talkers.

Weekends like this just remind me how just hanging out with people, telling stories, and eating a little bit of food can be so much fun. Not every adventure requires helmets, power stuff, hours of hard work. Just a place where people can gather. The hunt club is by not means a resort, but it has everything you need, and is a great place for everyone to meet. The kids run around, the boys can be boys, the girls can sit and chat, and everyone walks away with a smile on their face.

Summer isn't over yet! Get out there and enjoy some outdoor fun with your family and friends!

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