What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Friday, January 24, 2014

100 Days of Happiness Days 1-10

At the start of this year one of my good friends post this challenge on her Facebook page. She was also kind enough to specifically dare me and a few of her other friends to do this 100 happy days.

I thought about it, thought about it, and thought about it, and after about a week, I was like I can do this. However, I really don't like posting things on Facebook that much. Sure I like to tell people about new blog posts but for the most part I mostly post about 2-3 times a week. 100 days in a row is just too much.

So I've turned it into a post series.

Why? Why not? I'm a blogger right?

Here are the simple rules straight form the site http://www.100happydays.com/ "How? Plain simple! every day submit a picture of what made you happy! It can be anything from a meet-up with a friend to a very tasty cake in the nearby coffee place, from a feeling of being at home after a hard day to a favor you did to a stranger."

1/13/2014 Monday
This lovely lady, Ripley, who I befriend at one of the worst places to work ever. Her posts make me happy. They fill my brain with food for though, my eyes with great food to look at, to eat and my brain full of knowledge.

1/14/2014 Tuesday

Hair Ties
Hair Ties make me happy. If I did not have this cloth covered rubber band I am pretty sure I would have hacked all my hair off by now. Usually in an unfavorably way. It keeps me cool when I get hot from working out or getting frustrated. It also keeps my hair out of soup and food in general.

1/15/2014 Wednesday

My boyfriend makes me very happy. Even when I'm angry and filled with crazy because of PMS or lack of sleep, or stress, or whatever it is that day, he is the calm, mostly reasonable one to bring me back to my happy place. 
Also, he's super cute, and fun to play around with. 
When I was going through the dating game, I kept staying I wasn't looking for a husband or boyfriend but my best friend and playmate, and I'm pretty sure I found him.
One day he was talking about and ex of his and how she was like you're such and such years old you should grow up. I looked at him and asked "Why?" He was like "Exactly!" So, you get the point.

1/16/2014 Thursday

Today the moon makes me happy. I enjoy the silvery light it produces. I love the moon in the winter time because it seems so clear and bright like you can just reach out and touch it. The moon and the phase make me happy.

1/17/2014 Friday

Sorry, this one does not come with a picture

For over a year now I create a TGIF post. However, it doesn't ever say Thank Goodness It's Friday. It always says something else. I have people that seem to look forward to the and I enjoy sending them. One of my favorites, was inspired by our government when they shut theme selves down. It was This Government Is F*&%. Anyway. I enjoy them.

1/18/2014 Saturday

New Adventures!
New Dude and I went to the above event on Saturday and it was a great time. We tried a lot of new beers, most seemed to be kind of IPA-ish, which was a bummer, but it was fun. Something new, with lots of new drinks and food. The experience over all was great and I love new things like that.

1/19/2014 Sunday
Picture borrowed from Rotten Tomatoes

How to Train your Dragon
New Dude and I watched this movie on Sunday and it was so good. I really liked the whole story, characters and look of the film. It made me very happy.

1/20/2014 Monday

Thin Mints
I love this time of year. The Girl Scout Cookies come out and in about 2 weeks people give cookies up for Lent. I find their timing to be both awesome and horrible. It has always been my favorite Girl Scout Cookie. I only get one box because I'll just keep eating them. But Thin Mints with a glass a milk make me happy

1/21/2014 Tuesday


What can I say, it reminds me of child hood, fun, and just makes everything look clean and sleepy. It is pretty!

1/22/2014 Wednesday
So, I thought I took a picture of my gym, I didn't so this water bottle will do
Now, I am by no means a mean head or anything like that. The gym makes me happy. It makes me happy because it gets my endorphins running. It gets my stress worked out. It gets my frustrations out. It gets my muscles tired and keeps my weight, most of the time, in check, it helps me stay strong, it makes me work harder, and causes huge run on sentences.

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