What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Klondike Logic

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Most days after working both jobs I get home and am hungry but don't really want much to eat. Plus, most of the time my fridge hasn't magically filled with food while I was away. I keep opening the door about 6 times to confirm this though. If I have yogurt or milk I'm excited. The milk is the most important food item. More often than not, I eat cereal for dinner.

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE cereal. If I ever had a dog or more preferably, 3, I would name them General Mills, Post and Kellogg's. If I had a cat I'd name it Quaker. 

The other week I was having a rough day and trying to figure out if I wanted beer or something sweet.

I went with something sweet. I was torn between Ben and Jerry's as a nice late night splurge, or maybe something like oh... I don't know, a Klondike bar. After texting a friend and flipping a coin, the answer was a Klondike bar.

However, I didn't want just one, I wanted a pack. 

Have you seen how many different kinds they now have? I had no idea I was going to have the option of Recess, Mint, Dark Chocolate, Original, Crunch Shell, or Heath Bar Shell. Where is a variety pack when you need one? I looked, they didn't have one.

So, after opening the door and shutting it about 3 times and having two different people pass me and give me a weird look because my worried face was on, I went with Original. I knew it would be amazing and I couldn't risk, on that day, to be disappointed.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Multi-tasking Time With People

Photo by kkDonut
With the year winding down, and the holidays soon to be behind us and forgotten, I have come to a new goal for the rest of this year and every year after that.

I am going to stop multi-tasking my attention while around friends.

I am the queen of packing stuff into a day. I usually over book or sometimes hang out with one friend and make plans to go out with another shortly after. I usually have more then one activity, or job, planned per day, and I shall and will continue to do that.

What I am going to change is my attention, well as best as my gnats attention span will allow me, to be in the moment and place with my friends and family. Or whomever I'm currently spending time with.

In the new connected world we live in work and home  life doesn't always have a barrier. Your phone number is no longer attached to a location but your person. People can call or text you about anything, anywhere, any time of the day. They usually expect an immediate response. With sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and other I have yet to figure out what or where they are, people are constantly in contact with other people. 

All day every day, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Yet, people are just as much disconnected to each other as they are connected.

Friday, December 21, 2012


While at a stop light, I tried capture the awesomness of the rainbow. This picture does it little justice but the base was blazing bright.
I am a huge fan of pondering things. Earlier this week while driving to work I saw some amazing rainbows. Not just one, but when I got to work there were two full complete DOUBLE rainbows. I tried to take a picture but my phone crapped out on me. It didn’t have enough memory and it was starting to really rain. I always have a slight fear that I'm going start melting like the wicked witch of the west so went inside. So  I just have these two pictures to share.
At work I was trying to take a picture of the double rainbows but my little phone could not get the whole rainbow or the awesomness of both. Plus I coudln't even take a follow up picture to try and then splce together later because my memory was full. Picture fail.
Rainbows, little pots of gold, and leperchans and their awesomeness has crossed my mind before. Actually, back in June 2010. So I searched through my e-mails and found the messages I sent and received from our local weather men. Just about the rainbows though, I have to wait until I make it to Ireland to find out about the rest.
As a general rule whenever sending out e-mails like this, I like to do it groups of three. I feel like if the general consensus is about the same then we’re on the right  track.  This is what they had to say about rainbows.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wrong E-mail Address

Yesterday I was checking my e-mail like normal when I see an e-mail form an unknown person. I was like I do know a Nikki, but how would she get my e-mail address? So I open up the e-mail (I think is actually a big no-no in e-mail safety, but I don't click on links so... I think I'm okay?) and this is what I find.
(I know the formating isn't the best. I'm still learning this system and had to make sure the e-mails were readable. Thanks!)

Not wanting to let her nice message and note of encouragement go to the wayside I kindly respond back.
She sounded appreciative.

 I sometimes do like to have the last word.
Over the last few months I've had a few people accidently send me an e-mail that is looking for someone else. I always let them know that they have the wrong person. I think it's fair right?

Have you ever had an e-mail sent to you when they were clearly trying to reach someone else? Let me know about it by leaving a comment below!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Um.. Do You Know the Address?

Image courtesy of "Stuart Miles" - view portfolio / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Last night I was actually off from work. I had a spent a good portion of my day just hanging out with my friend and her little baby. However, like most days, I have plans to see a few different people. After helping remake a soup that kind of went astray, I had to clean up and head out of a company Christmas Party.

This party was being held at the bosses house. I had never been to his house before. 

So before running out the door, I did the smart thing and pulled up the e-mail with the address, carefully put it in my GPS and headed out. 

So far so good. Point for me!

I arrived in the neighborhood started to try and find the house. The GPS put me in front one of one house, and with her computer voice said, "Arriving At Destination."

Problem. I don't know any of these cars. I don't see anything familiar at all. However, this isn't too worrisome only because  this party was going to have a bunch of our board members. I don't even know the names or how many people are on the board, so not knowing most the people was expected.

Looking into the house, from sitting in my car like a creeper, it looks like it is ready for a party. It has tables with cups and glasses. But I don't really see that many people. At this point, I personally, am about an hour late instead of my indented 30 minutes, so I feel like MORE people should be there.

A gentleman who had parked at about the same time as me, had gone into this house in question. He was returning to his car for unknown reasons so I took my chance. 

I got out and walked over and and something cleaver like, "Excuse me sir, do you know the house number for this house?" 

He looked at his paper and was like 4877, the Smith residence. I was like oh. Do you by any chance know the James Bond residence is. (I actually said the correct last name but that is what he heard.) Which of course made him laugh and say no. I thanked him once again and headed out.

I was looking for 4677 so I needed to circle the neighborhood once more. My second pass, going up a little further than the first house I tried to stop in, I saw some cars I knew.

The house address was only on the mail box and in gold letters, so I backed up and made sure to shine my car lights on them to double check it was the right house before continuing. 

It was the correct house. So, putting on my smile again, I walked to the door and decided to ring the door bell just in case.

An unknown person answered the door, but after a quick glance around, I saw someone I new and came in.

The good news, it is a great way to start a conversation of why you're late. Just try and go to the wrong party.

Has this ever happened to you? If so leave a comment below!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What Is That?!?!?!

"Image courtesy of "Stuart Miles" / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


What is that!?!?  



Poke. Taking hand and covering it up.

Side boob? Are my armpits fat? Kind of? Can I cut it off? How much would that hurt? Are the knives in housewares that far off? Can if fix that? Is that side bigger than the other side?

Yesterday's lunch hour was spent at my least favorite task, bra shopping.

Now, I know these are necessary evil. One, no one likes THO, (Titty Hard On) except maybe guys. Two, the right bra not only makes you look good, but also feel good as well.

This, however, was not the case yesterday.

My trip wasn't for pleasure. It was out of desperate need. All of my bras at home were either falling apart, had bent wires, kept poking in the side boob, were falling off, or just plain ugly. I had to go shopping.

Now, most guys, will never experience the horror that is bra shopping.

I hate it so much I would rather go swimsuit shopping.

Yes, I did just say that. Swim. Suit. Shopping. Would be better than bra shopping.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Hot Now = Stop

There are some reasons that no matter what you’re doing or where you’re going you must stop. Krispy Kreme Hot Now Sign being on is one of those reasons.
I was not a Krispy Kreme fan when I was younger.  I think it was because these were always in our church after mass. Cold, sweet, and not filling. Everything changed the day I was introduced to the Kirspy Kreme Hot Now Sign. This large florescent orange/red sign burning itself into my soul.
Okay, that was a little dramatic, but have you ever had one of these fresh off of the belt? Watching them take their ride on the conveyor belt, into the hot oil, through a waterfall of icing? No other doughnut can beat a hot fresh Krispy Kreme doughnut. Unless it has the word Amish or Grandma’s in front of it, at least.
So driving to meet a friend for dinner I was passing by the store. The light is on.
Like a moth to a bug zapper I instantly turn in. I walk through the doors, a few people are chatting while enjoying coffee and doughnuts, it smells like how I would like heaven to smell. I order my two doughnuts.
Over the years I’ve learned this is the best number for me. The first one you eat so fast you barely taste it. The second one satisfies the craving. The third, can be done, but is getting very close to the sugar coma line. By 4, yes I’ve eaten 4 in one sitting before,  there is the instant shakes and sugar overload. You go from feeling good and just a little guilty to your entire organs are now vibrating.  You can almost feel the release of insulin that is needed to process these fried treats. In other words you feel like crap. So my limit is two.
I as one lady brings me out my two little fried puffs of heaven, one lady is ringing me up.  The angel with the fresh doughnuts starts to fumble with a bag. I kindly tell her, no need for the bag. I’m about to eat these now right now. They give me a puzzled look. This is confusing; because you’d think that because of the seats in the place they would have had that answer before.
I sit at my little white table with two chairs. After sending a boasting picture to a friend, I dig in. Only about 3 minutes later these morsels have been devoured, the fingers have been licked clean, and the trash thrown away. With another thank you so much to the employee at the cash register, I head out to dinner.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Go Fish

I had some girl friends over the other night. The topic wound its way around from dinner, to Thanksgiving, to puzzles, to random things, and of course to boys.  This topic comes up frequently but we discussed something I hadn’t really pondered on in a long time.  

Everyone knows the classic stand by line for people who have just broken up with someone, or something didn’t work out, they say “There are always more fish in the sea,” which I followed up with, “but if you keep using the same bait you’ll keep catching the same thing.”

Conversation ended for a moment as they both pondered this. I don’t always listen to myself when I talk so I actually pondered this with them. I’m like Alice from Alice in Wonderland, “I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.” Or in my case listen to it.

If this saying is broken down, there are always fish in the sea, this is correct. The sea or any big body of water is teeming with life. There can be hundreds of species in the a very small area. Check out anything on the Discovery channel or Nature show. However, if fishing on a lake or a river or in the ocean and the only bait being used is worms, there are only so many fish that will want to eat the worm. Sharks cannot be caught with a worm.  

Stop and take a moment and think about how this has been played out before. The beautiful sweet girl that keeps dating jerks that treat her like crap. The nice guy who keeps dating controlling bitches. The guy who keeps dating drama queens,  just to name a few.

Now, part of the dating is just exposure to the different kinds of people. If the area being fished is a river and the hopes are for a shark and not a bass, this is not going to happen.  

But what I’m pondering is the best most controllable issue here, the bait. Or in this case me. How, if I am tired to dating and hanging out with the jerks and the assholes, can I attack something else? How does one change from a worm to something the shark would eat, like a croaker or eel?