What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Don't Poke Me and Other Random Thoughts

I haven't posted in a while. I failed. I will try harder.

Since everything is crazy right now due to the COVID-19 I am keeping this post light.

First, this picture makes me laugh. I wanted to take a picture of the cat, which is hard because he is black and mostly just looks like a blob in pictures.

I poked him while he was eating and he gave me this, I will kill you human look. I love it because you can see his angry hateful eyes. Also the shock and annoyance. Maybe it is things like that is why he later wakes me up at 4:30am?

On another note, though things are INSANE right now. I think my current obsession besides ignorance is going to stores. The few that are open. Mostly Krogers.

I love walking up and down the isles and seeing what is out right now. Along with what can and cannot be bought in multiples.

I honestly went to the store just to take a quick lap. Well, that and put the dog in the car for a car trip because I didn't want to walk him. Wow, such an honest pet mom.

Some of the things that made me go, wait what? Kitty litter. Alright. Why all the canned beans. Like cans of soup would be on the shelves but all the beans are gone. Besides chili what are people making? I would say all the sparkling water, Kroger brand. Butter, one day all the butter was gone.

Have you seen anything else weird that is gone? If so leave a comment below! I'm going to try and limit my Kroger visits to every other day but... we'll see what happens. Being stuck in the house is just weird.

Stay safe an wash your hands! Also, don't lick people.

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