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Friday, October 5, 2012

Trips for Runners


Over the last about three to four years I have become a runner. I say become, because I am by no means a good runner, a fast runner, or really even gone that far as a runner.
I run because ever race or even run is a small goal accomplished. I always feel better after the run. It is great for stress relief. I like to think that every breath out is more negative feelings, thoughts and emotions leaving my body. It usually works and gives me the freedom to smile again. Plus, why not run while I still can?
Now, whenever getting ready for a race you have to make sure you look as sexy as you can. My normal set up are my sexy knee braces, long shorts, t-shirt, visor (usually), now that the weather is getting colder I sometimes run with a bandanna around my face like a bank robber. I am all kinds of sexy.
Tomorrow I have another 5k race. I never try to actually win these races as much as make it across the finish line, don’t puke, and try to beat the last time I had.
Today’s blog is about a few Do’s and Don’ts that I have learned while running. Enjoy!
1.       Do not eat large greasy meal the night before. Burgers, fries, and onion rings sounds like a good idea but do horrible things to your insides.

2.       Excessive drinking dose the same thing. One or two beers are all right anything more and you’ll be sweating out your alcohol and pondering if you have to puke because of the strain of running or the hangover.

3.       Drink lots of water. If you don’t then when you try to spit it will not leave your face and splatter all over your body.
4.       Eat something before the race/run. I am not talking a Thanksgiving meal, but a yogurt, cheese stick, banana, or bread and peanut butter does wonders when it comes to energy. If you’re hungry you might only be thinking about that and not want to push yourself or just not be able to physically finish the run.
5.       Use the bathroom before the run. Nothing worse is need to pee or do other things and halfway through a run with no port-a-potty anywhere in sight.
6.       Walking is an option. If you feel the point where you might be sick or pass out, please for your safety and well being, walk.

7.       Stay to right side of the path or road if you’re going to walk. Strolling down the middle of the path is not cool.
8.       Tell people where you are going to be running. It is a good safety measure.

9.       Run with some form of ID. I personally use Road ID.

10.   Bring a friend if possible, especially for races. It makes finishing the race more fun knowing you have someone there to cheer you on, or bring you water, or even just hold your keys while you run more fun.

11.   Don’t push little kids. I cannot tell you how many times I just want to stick my leg out and cause an 8 year old to eat asphalt. They are barely sweating, still taking and joking, this isn’t work, just another randomness to take part in. Stupid little kids with all their energy and properly working body parts. It is SOOOOO tempting, I know, but if they are running, they probably have runners for parents, and not my kind of running, like the top 5 fastest in the race kind of runners. So they’ll probably come back and beat you, complete the race again, beat you up again because you still haven’t had time to pick your broken body off the course.
If you have any suggestions of your own leave a comment below. Have fun! Happy Running!  

1 comment:

  1. LOVE # 11!! Thank you so much for the laugh. So happy you are a runner. You should be extremely proud of yourself!!!! I'm proud of you. xoxo. Miss you.
