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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Facebook Ponderings

Like most people, I own a Facebook page. I also like to check out the status of people, find out what is going on while I was working, or doing some random adventures. I sit and scroll through status, see people's pictures and often I wonder, will I post the same things at some point in my life?

Currently being single, I never post things about how my husband is amazing, or my boyfriend is the best in the world. I have personal issues with those statements anyways, but will I be one day posting those things as well?

If I don't, would said future boyfriend be hurt because I don't put his great deeds on Facebook for all of the world to see? Will his friends be like dude, your super romantic weekend must not have been so awesome if your woman didn't brag about it on Facebook. Is Facebook just the new beauty shop in a way? The place where you spill all of your moments both big and small to your friends. But instead of just a few 10-15 it moves up to the hundreds?

If I have kids, will they be my profile picture? Or will I be in the picture with the kid? Would, if pregnant, I post the ultra sound? Will I also say they are the best, smartest, cutest kids in the entire world?

When natural disasters strike am I going to tell everyone how pissed I'll be if my internet goes away for a few days?

When sending requests for games, I never respond, is that offensive? Do people even notice if you don't play their games?

I don't have pet's yet, will I post all the cute pictures of them sleeping? Okay, I can probably say 100% yes to this. When I own my own pet the world WILL know about it. Can we say photo Christmas cards?

If I'm friends with you in real life, do we have to be Facebook friends as well? If we are friends in real life and I don't comment on your status are you secretly sad or hurt by this action?

What is the eidicate for when you Facebook stalk someone? Let's say you find out they just bought a house or were sick, or just had their car broken into. If they didn't tell you about it personally, can you say congratulations or sorry to them in person? If you said sorry or congratulations on Facebook already, do you still need to do it in person?

I'm horrible at posting pictures of events I've been too. Is that really a problem? Does every new digitial picture need to end up on Facebook?

Are all the pictures of me at parties and doing random adventures me telling people what I'm up too? Or are they deep down just little bragging moments?

When I don't update my status for a few days do people get excited to see me back? Or is just another quick blip in their Facebook scrolling?

Should you post that you're about to clean out your friends list so don't worry if you cannot read this status anymore? Would the subtle un-friend be better to do? Is it wrong to un-friend people on their birthday?

If I have a big life event, like buying a house, and don't post pictures of the house or tell everyone in the world I just bought the house, does anyone care one way or the other?

Is there a point of keeping someone your friend if you hide all their status updates and can only go check them out if you actually take the time to put their name in the search bar? 

If anyone has done these things, I'm not saying all of it is good or bad, as much as pondering both the reasons why and if I would/will do the same thing? Just something to ponder.

What are some of the things you pondering while on Facebook?

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