What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Friday, February 14, 2014

100 Days of Happiness Days 21-30

At the start of this year one of my good friends post this challenge on her Facebook page. She was also kind enough to specifically dare me and a few of her other friends to do this 100 happy days.

I thought about it, thought about it, and thought about it, and after about a week, I was like I can do this. However, I really don't like posting things on Facebook that much. Sure, I like to tell people about new blog posts but for the most part I mostly post about 2-3 times a week. 100 days in a row is just too much.

So I've turned it into a post series.

Why? Why not? I'm a blogger right?

Here are the simple rules straight form the site http://www.100happydays.com/ "How? Plain simple! every day submit a picture of what made you happy! It can be anything from a meet-up with a friend to a very tasty cake in the nearby coffee place, from a feeling of being at home after a hard day to a favor you did to a stranger."

2/2/2014 Sunday
Post Secret
I love reading the post cards and the stories. It makes me want to send one but cannot figure out what to put on one. Even if I did, I could never tell. =)

2/3/2014 Monday

This was a Christmas presents. It is soft, fuzzy, and has been amazing to have during the winter. It is a new favorite.

2/4/2014 Tuesday
 Nerf guns
They make for fun for lazy days, great for entertainment at parties and just over all good times. Who owes these and are not happy.
2/5/2014 Wednesday

  Clean Sink
Well mostly. It is a clear indication that I can relax and not feel like I am suppose to be doing something. Else. Plus, if there was any smell left over form dinner it was now down the drain. Awesome.
2/6/2014 Thursday

This was also a gift. It makes me happy because right now it is at work. So it keeps my hands from cracking open during these cold, cold days.
2/7/2014 Friday
The pink ones broke so I needed new ones. They make me happy because I can see under water while I am training and working on swimming longer and further. This is great news because then I don't ram my head into the wall. That hurts.

2/8/2014 Saturday

Who doesn't love games? These games are great for all people too! I don't win most of them but that doesn't keep me from playing!
2/9/2014 Sunday

These good people came to have dinner, talk about life, and just hang out.
2/10/2014 Monday

Middle Finger
It makes me happy because I forget about it and how using it, not while driving and in joking way can be fun. It's like sticking out your tongue to someone. It just kind makes you feel like a happy 13 year old.
2/11/2014 Tuesday
Cheese Sticks!
These are the best snacks ever! They are great before and after runs and sports. They make my belly full and give me energy without adding too many calories or fillers. I love these things!

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