What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

100 Days of Happiness Days 31-40

At the start of this year one of my good friends post this challenge on her Facebook page. She was also kind enough to specifically dare me and a few of her other friends to do this 100 happy days.

I thought about it, thought about it, and thought about it, and after about a week, I was like I can do this. However, I really don't like posting things on Facebook that much. Sure, I like to tell people about new blog posts but for the most part I mostly post about 2-3 times a week. 100 days in a row is just too much.

So I've turned it into a post series.

Why? Why not? I'm a blogger right?

Here are the simple rules straight form the site http://www.100happydays.com/ "How? Plain simple! every day submit a picture of what made you happy! It can be anything from a meet-up with a friend to a very tasty cake in the nearby coffee place, from a feeling of being at home after a hard day to a favor you did to a stranger."
2/12/2014 Wednesday
Snow Cream
Trying new foods.It was snowy and cold and we made this dish. New Dude liked it, but I probably wouldn't make it again. It was kind of weird.I think I would prefer to put snow cone syrup on it instead.
2/13/2014 Thursday
This movie picture was borrowed from here
This movie is just cute! I liked the characters and story. It has a great look and feel and it made me laugh out loud! It is just cute. 

2/14/2014 Friday
Brother and Me
This guy, even though he normally doesn't have a beard. He has the best stories, life adventures, and is just my favorite character ever! I am happy he's around!

2/15/2014 Saturday
This picture was borrowed from here
This is just one of my most favorite ones. It gives me some crazy dreams when I eat it at night. However, it makes my tummy very happy. And, if you're ever having a really hard time keeping food down, try eating this with no milk, and sometimes it helps Random, but true.

2/16/2014 Sunday
Virginia is for Lovers 14k
I was able to run with my favorite running buddy. It was a great day and we took about 3 minutes off our time from last year! How awesome is that?!?

2/17/2014 Monday
This Music Station
This station has gotten me though more runs, bad days, and just times of quite then I can remember. This makes me happy.
2/18/2014 Tuesday
These guys
This picture just makes me happy.

2/19/2014 Wednesday
This Shit
This shirt was made for the Zombie Run. It was a fun race, even though I kind of died. But it was a super fun run, AND now I can wear this shirt and spread my happiness or survival techniques, however you look at it. 

2/20/2014 Thursday
Surprise Flowers
I was having a bad day and New Dude stopped by walked in and gave them to me. It brought a smile to my face. He even made me a card. He is so great at things like that.

2/21/2014 Friday
Straight Hair
I don't do it often. Mostly because I do not have any equipment to make it happen. However, when I went and got my hair cut, I was like hey, you have flat irons can you make this straight? They said yes, and I enjoyed running my hand through my hair for the rest of the day! It was awesome!

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