What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

100 Days of Happiness Days 41-50

At the start of this year one of my good friends post this challenge on her Facebook page. She was also kind enough to specifically dare me and a few of her other friends to do this 100 happy days.

I thought about it, thought about it, and thought about it, and after about a week, I was like I can do this. However, I really don't like posting things on Facebook that much. Sure, I like to tell people about new blog posts but for the most part I mostly post about 2-3 times a week. 100 days in a row is just too much.

So I've turned it into a post series.

Why? Why not? I'm a blogger right?

Here are the simple rules straight form the site http://www.100happydays.com/ "How? Plain simple! every day submit a picture of what made you happy! It can be anything from a meet-up with a friend to a very tasty cake in the nearby coffee place, from a feeling of being at home after a hard day to a favor you did to a stranger."

2/22/2014 Saturday
This Guy
He makes the best little Hitler every. Mean, not personality wise but he totally rocked this felt mustache. 

2/23/2014 Sunday
Walk on the beach
Also, with this guy makes it more entertaining. 

2/24/2014 Monday
Ha, well, not really. I won because I was the only female at the race. A bike race if you cannot tell by the kick ass shorts. 

2/25/2014 Tuesday
This is one of mine that I really enjoy. The benefit of being so pale is the colors really pop!

2/26/2014 Wednesday
These guys!
Each Howl-o-scream we get together to hang out, drink, ride some rides and just have fun. It is always awesome.

2/27/2014 Thursday
Baby Outfits!
How awesome are these little things.This guy is now about a year old but he is such a cutie!

2/28/2014 Friday
Chicago Pizza in Chicago
This was the heaviest pizza I have ever eaten in my life. I would do it again, but add a salad to the mix or something.

3/1/2014 Saturday
My travel buddy.
She is awesome, is down for anything, and is the ying to my yang when traveling. She makes finding out about places more fun!

3/2/2014 Sunday
Sometimes you just need to pig out and knock that craving on it's butt, while you make your's a tiny big bigger. =)

3/3/2014 Monday
This keeps my life together. It helps a planner like me attempt to not double book. It is colorful and stays constant and I love that fact. Cheers to the Google Calendar

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