What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I take an international trip part 2 of ?

Now this just might look like an regular tiny water bottle to most.

For the most part it is, just a tiny little bottle of water.

For me, it was kindness.

As you know from Part 1 of this little adventure, I arrived at the airport very, very sleepy. I made it through all the people and machines I needed too. I arrived at my flight, waited to board and then had a very nice seat.

I stayed awake long enough to learn about flotation devices and exits and then I went into zone out/sleepy land.

It was not the most restful sleep I had but it made the hour and half flight go by quickly.

The problem with sleeping on the plane means you don't get to have snacks or drinks. Yes, Jet Blue still gives you both without charging you. Fantastic right? I sure thought so.

Well, I came out of my little sleepy time about the time they said we're going to be landing in a few minutes, please put your stuff up, put your chair up, and little table thing away.

One of the Air Flight Attendants, I don't know the politically correct term, welcomed me back. I smiled and said thank you. He also then asked me if I wanted anything to drink. I said yes, some water.

I was taken back first because, if you snooze your loose on a plane. That is the golden rule of flights. I was about to snooze and win!

Well, the landing stuff took over and my nice guy forgot about my water. No worries, I was still excited that he even offered. Most people wouldn't offer.

As I was walking off the plane and thanking everyone, he remembered he forgot the bottle of water. He said wait, hold on, move stuff in a cabinet around and handed me the above little bottle of water.

In other words, he just made my day. A nap and some water by a very nice guy? Oh yes.

It has been a while since I've taken a plane ride. It has either been the first time or the first time in a long time that I've flown Jet Blue. Well, because of the friendly staff and great plane, I know I'll be looking a little bit harder when I go shopping for a plane ticket.

Has anyone else have a flight story where you were blown away? If so leave a comment below!


  1. Best airline flight crew of my life was on SA Airways on my flight from Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth. For this bumpy flight only just over an hour, flight attendants busied themselves about the cabin, smiling, laughing, telling jokes and passing out the most dangerous cups of rooibos you'll ever enjoy (burned my face and thighs). They fed us on a domestic flight of less than an hour. While that is corporate policy, I am sure they did not need to give me the second sandwich when I asked if I may have another. They gladly returned with yet another sandwich, singing and smiling their way down an aisle that reminds me now of the fourth Harry Potter movies' bus ride on the midnight express. Seriously, this air crew would be the ultimate riders in any board sport: skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, name your poison.

    1. That is awesome! I am happy to hear there are happy flight crews in the air! If I ever have the pleasure to making a flight in South Africa I shall have to make sure I book with them! Thanks Ama for sharing!
