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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Skinny Bitches

Ever since my first pub run I still keep trying to go to them when I'm not working. Now that the weather is getting super hot, it makes it hard to get outside for a run.

Well this is a picture from a few weeks ago. I didn't even know that anyone took the picture. I saw it posted on my Facebook wall and was like, awesome!

I look hard core!

I look like I'm not about to puke!

I also noticed that I look really thin in this picture. I like it!

It also made me stop and think a little bit. As I looked at this picture and felt good, I realized, I really need to stop hating skinny people.

It isn't because I feel like I am part of that group, nor do I truly want to be skinny, thin maybe, but not skinny.

No, I need to stop hating on them, because a lot of those people have to work hard to stay thin.

If you're around runners, and bikers, and hikers, and rock climbers, soccer players, or any other sports or physical activity people, you learn that people don't normally just wake up and can do whatever said activity and really well, really hard, and win or do very well without first putting in the effort.

Yes, I know there are exceptions to every rule, but I know how much it takes to just maintain a weight. I also know others like me who have gone from a higher weight down to a healthy weight. I know how much hard work, time, effort, energy and will power is used to say no, most of the time, to the sweets, drinks, junk food, and sodas.

All of these ripped runners without their shirts on, or the people that are doing more then just jogging, they are hard core running or biking, or just doing whatever it is they are doing. I should applaud their efforts and accomplishments, not belittle them with my jealousy. Not point out all their flaws which is just really me projecting my insecurities onto them.

I like to think I have a high self-esteem when it comes to my body. Sure, the scale and I currently fighting and it is totally winning. However, how can I live the motto I say "Love the skin you're in," if I keep getting jealous of the runners that can take their shirts off? Or the people with their 6 pack abs. 

Short answer, I'm half living it.

I think part of a healthy life style is accepting certain things, like I'm never going to deny as many cookies and sweets as I need to get a 6 pack of abs. I am never going to be 5'7", and my thighs will always touch. That tiny little gap is beyond my reach, without dramatically altering my life. And for me, that little gap isn't worth it to me.

So I propose that we stop hatting the skinny bitches. I think we should instead ask them what works for them. I would also do a little soul searching to maybe not find your ideal number as much as your idea image of yourself. Embrace your flaws, think about what you can truly, realistically change, what you would need to do to change it, and then accept who you are, what shape you are, and actually love the skin you're in. It's the only one you have, so why not start to look in the mirror with happiness then constant disgust?

What do you think? Flawed in my thoughts? Or do you have thoughts or suggestions? Let me know with a comment below! 


  1. Shannon.....this is great. You are covering TWO issues here...one is accepting and loving oneself and maintaining what you have...and the other is not hating "skinny" people cause you realize what efforts go into having that body. For a moment in time, in the photo, you saw yourself, being that person that someone else could look at say "hey...she's skinny and I hate her" based on the picture alone, but you know yourself that you work hard at having and being who and what you are. I agree with everything you said, I can see how it would be a very enlightening moment for you. Having said all that.....those skinny girls are still sluts, bitches & whores.....but I don't hate them. lol Good blog Shannon, Judy

  2. Hahaha, @Judy, love your response! Shannon, you got it right- many people who look uber fit and healthy have worked hard at it. I often wonder at what expense, if any, and for what purpose; what drives or motivates them? I have never looked at a skinny girl and had ill, hateful or disgustful feelings towards them. I've wondered if they had a personal trainer, how many meals/snacks they eat in a day, if they are choosy or picky eaters, love or hate sweets or salty snacks, or have the luxury of be able to buy all organic, healthy, nutritional foods (it's EXPENSIVE!!!!) The only negative feelings I admit I occasionally have is when I see their cute outfits and I get discouraged because I cannot afford that "fit guru look" or I see those adorable tank tops on the small breasted women and think, geez I have such an unattractive GRANDMA sports bra but know it's necessary for support and safety for my jaw ..... will not sacrifice fashion for comfort on this article of clothing. :-) (but that's another soapbox!). I think it is so important for women of all ages to love and accept themselves and if what they see makes them unhappy my hope is they will make smart choices to change their habits to eventually LIKE what they see. Reminds me of a phrase from Weight Watchers- "if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." At the end of the day, it isn't how you SKINNY you are or what number you are, it's how you FEEL. With every smart, healthy choice our health and feelings improve. I think the real question is, What motivates you to want to be in the healthiest condition you can be in? Likewise, What motivates you for wanting to feel fantabulously fantastic?? I love your blog, Shannon!!

  3. Thank you Judy! You inspire me everyday with your workout updates and talking to the random fit people on the beach by you! Keep it up!
    Thank you AllSmiles! Those are all really good questions to ponder. I think I'll have to start to some of the people I meet those questions. You are so right organic food is super expensive! I think for your "grandma" bras defiantly don't compromise, maybe just fine really bright colored ones? That is an awesome phrase from Weight Watchers, no wonder I liked them so much. Between point system for food and food for thought. I would say my personal reasons for feeling and working hard to feel fantastic are stress relief, ability to eat carbs guilt free, and to be ready to try new adventures and things. How about you AllSmiles? What inspires you? Thanks for reading!

    1. Side note, I wrote this reply like 4 times and couldn't get it to post right. Apparently if you're having trouble posting a comment, it might be your browser. Try using Explorer or Chrome.
