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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Cooking with ShanShan: Peanut Butter and Jelly Crackers

Today with Cooking with ShanShan I  am going to tell you how to make this quick and easy snack that can be eaten for any meal or just as a snack. The best part about this recipe is that it just takes 3 ingredients!

Like most cooking blogs I'm going to tell a short story before I give the list of ingredients and instructions.

In all seriousness, this snack does remind me of childhood. I would say specifically in Michigan. If we are going back to Michigan then it must have been one of the few snacks I could make or my mom would let us make. It brings back the memory of sitting down, making a ton of these little guys, spreading evenly on a plate or stacking them in a gooey tower before eating them all up.

If I am searching threw my very foggy memory I would say I was eating soup, something like chicken noodle with these tiny sandwiches. The other memory is just of me eating these while probably watching TV on some afternoon.

I think these would be a perfect school snack but I'm not picturing that in my mind's eye. Mostly weekend chilling. I also picture eating these both with and without siblings.

I could be wrong about all of those fuzzy memories. I feel like I'll have to text my siblings and see if my memory matches theirs.

The end location of where you consume these tiny little delectable delights does not matter. What does matter is that they are not keto or carb-free friendly they are delicious. If you have not had one in a while I highly recommend you stop reading this post right now and go make yourself a few.

Now onto the recipe section of this blog:

Peanut Butter for your choice, I prefer smooth
Jelly of your choice, I prefer grape
Saltines your brank of choice these were Kroger brand

1. Open up the package of saltines and count the number of pairs you would like to eat
2. Spread the peanut butter on half of your stack of crackers
3. Spread the jelly on the other stack of crackers
4. Pair the crackers together and enjoy

Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 0 minutes
Total time: 5 minutes

Probably not the best but it is yummy. I really just don't want to do the math but felt obligated to put this label.

Do you have a favorite snack like this? If so what is it? Please leave a comment below!

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