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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Axe Throwing!

I have to start off by saying that I am as exactly bad at axe throwing as I thought I would be. This is is okay, it was still so much fun!

As everyone knows, I am a huge fan of trying new things. For Christmas, some of my girlfriends suggested that we do dinner and axe throwing instead of gifts. I was like that sounds amazing.

We started off with Mexican and due to both mine and Husband's bad timing had to rush a bit to make it to our 7pm time. We went to Blue Ridge Axe Throwing, signed some waivers and then it was time.

They put on a lane together, taught us how to throw the different axes, First double handed over the head and then one-handed. Then just let us have it while giving us some tips, pointers, and just answering any random questions.

One of my questions was why is there mulch on the floor and do they need to buy more or do all the splinters make their own. The mulch is there for less bounce back when people like myself throw and miss sticking the target. IT stops the slide. They had some mulch to start off but now it pretty much makes it's own. How fun? I really put that mulch to the test.

After a while of us all throwing and going back and forth we went to some games. I successfully lost in the first round each time. I had hope for Husband. He has hand-eye coordination that I lack, heft, experience with axes though not in this capacity, but it was all for naught. My girlfriends kicked butt, took names, and only really competed against themselves.

Way to go ladies!

I still had a blast, would be happy to do it again, and the hour just FLEW by. Unlike my axe that wobbled and hit the ground.

Has anyone else tried axe throwing? What did you think? I know that I will not be pissing off these ladies when they are in arm's length of axes, that is for sure!

Enjoy my failure below!

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