What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Sandy River Retreat

A few weekends ago, New Dude and I went and did something that he and I had never done. We went to do a zip line/high ropes course at Sandy River Retreat.

This was yet another Groupon adventure for two. I saw it, bought it and held onto it until we could figure out when to go. We picked out date and went on-line to sign up. I would recommend this because they were completely full when I went. Nothing would bum me out more then driving all the way out there and not getting to go play in the trees.

So that morning I got up and went for a run with a friend and other random people. New Dude was coming off of night shift and being up for WAY more hours then a person should be so I let him sleep as much as we could. By about 8:30am I started to get him up and moving. We were out the door by about 9:15 and headed up the road.

Sandy River retreat is a little less then two hours from where we live so we opted for the 11:30am time. They had a 9:30am and a 2:30pm as well. 9:30am was too early for us and 2:30pm I felt would take up more of my day then I would appreciate since it was going to be a there and back trip.

I feel asleep on the way up the road and woke to us turning around. We had missed the turn. We also did that like two more times on the way to the park. However, we still arrived on time.

Once we were on the right road/driveway on our way in we passed some of their very cute cabins and make our way to the parking lot. There we got out, checked in, signed some wavers, went to the bathroom, and waiting to get suited up with our harnesses.
All harnessed up and ready to go.

New Dude showing how harnesses can look good.
We were behind a family that seemed to range from about 7 year old to a grandma and grandpa and everyone in between. We missed the first group and their little introduction and so waited for the next group, and this family, to go through it.

I'll be honest, the staff was great at helping and explaining everything, but this family was kind of stressing me out. They weren't really listening and kept playing with things before they should. They kept asking the same questions over because they were not paying attention. I told New Dude if we got stuck behind them in the ropes course I was going to have some issues because they were causing me to stress out a little.

However, that was not the case. Yes, we started our first little adventure up the ramp with them but quickly were able to go to the green course while they went to the yellow. I was extremely happy about that.

From the first little demo, a short walk down a path to the actual canopy and zip lines and ropes course we were transported into Never Never Land. Okay, I don't think Disney would approve of that name, but it was awesome.

You looked in the tree tops and saw all these different courses, paths and obstacles. If Peter Pan's Lost Boys ever had a place to go play, this would have been it.

Look of concentration.

Each obstacle was challenging and exciting. It has been confirmed that I must not be afraid of heights. However, still being 15-20 feet above the ground, looking down so you can place your feet correctly freaks you out a little.

There were several obstacles that still had me psyching myself up to start my journey across the challenge.

One of the best parts is that you are tied in the entire time you are up there. They have a safety system that can be a challenge at first to be able to lock and unlock yourself but by the end of the time you feel like a pro. So even if you eat it, like New Dude did twice, then you're got getting anything really hurt or bruised besides your ego. My fear of falling was so great I did not eat it.
Safety system clips
This was such a cool experience because it takes mental and physical strength to pass these course. Now, you don't have to be an avid super athletic person to do this by any means, but balance, strength to hold your own weight, and some hand eye coordination will go a long ways in helping.

As active as I am, New Dude and I still felt it the next day with a little bit of soreness and fatigue here and there. It was awesome.

We were playing around in the trees for about 3 hours and only really saw the family that was stressing me out across the way. I think it might have been about a group of 20-30 people, but we never had to really wait on anyone or had anyone waiting on us. Everyone was spaced out enough that you could take your time on the obstacles and feel no pressure. New Dude said it was one of the coolest things that we've done thus far. I would have to agree.

After this little adventure we were stupid hungry. Wanting to discover the area a little more we headed into the little town of Farmville. It was a cute little town with people out an about on that beautiful Saturday.

We went to a local bakery called, The Bakery, and had some soda in bottles, with chips and sandwiches. Everything was really good, they had all kinds of beer and wine for sale and it was a cozy little place. I would probably eat there again.

After a great afternoon and some food now in our systems it was back on the road to head home. New Dude was able to pass out this time while I drove in the wrong direction for 20 minutes and then figure it out and went home.

This was a great adventure for anyone not afraid of heights. It was fun, challenging, and great for learning about yourself and other people. New Dude and I didn't finish the whole course so will be going back for sure. Below are some pictures and a few videos. Enjoy!

 Here is their website for more information that you MUST go check them out! http://www.sandyriverretreat.com/Pages/TheAdventurePark.aspx

Continue reading to see more pictures and some tiny little videos!

New Dude kind of passed out on the way home.

 Here is their website for more information that you MUST go check them out for real, go go now! http://www.sandyriverretreat.com/Pages/TheAdventurePark.aspx

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