What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

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Monday, September 16, 2013

Long Hair

We all know that I have long hair. We also agree that is brown, curly and that I kind of love it. I even wrote a whole post about it called: Curly is Best.

New Dude likes me hair. He likes long hair, and I've even held off cutting it to donate it, just to make sure when I do that it will still have lots of length to it.

Now as a female with long hair there are a few things that you come to accept.

You'll go through more conidition, shampoo, and hair styling prodcuts then those with short hair.

That fleace, even though it is super soft and great for the winter, will be nothing but a magnet for catching your hair.

Dust bunnies are your fault. They won't get nearly as large without the help of lost hair.

Working around food always requires it to be tied back.

The fantom hair which feels like a spider web but it isn't trapped somewhere on your person happens every once in a while.

It will even get caught in your clothes for a feeling you cannot get rid of, like in your bar, a pair of pants, shirt, or even underware.

Guys don't know about this. Or at least they don't know about the full extent of how hair can just creep into everything and anything.

New Dude has experinced the random pulling along strain of hair out of his zipper before. Hey, stop getting weird on me, it happens when you do laundry together.

The newest and best experience he has thus far happened on Tuesday.

He was sitting with his brother, talking, enjoying life when there was this weird tickeling sensation going on in his boot. It felt like a piece of grass was in his boot.

He sat there and took off his boot, took off his sock to find my HAIR and not a blade of grass. My hair inside of HIS sock wrapped around his toes. How in the world did it get there no idea. How long had it been there, probably all day. Why did it just now start to feel weird? No idea.

These brown locks might be pretty, soft, and fluffy, but beware, the hair will get everywhere!

Do you have any random places hair has ended up and you had no idea? Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below!

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