What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Friday, February 1, 2013

Drug Test

So I just started a new job. Part of the requirements is to take a drug test. Awesome. I can do that because I have no reason to be worried about them and if that is what it takes to have shorter work weeks, the only question is where do I pee?

The first test they scheduled for me I missed. We had our office close early due to snow so it just escaped my mind. It was scheduled at 3 and I remembered at 6. Talk about not wanting to send that e-mail. Sure it was a mistake.... but who wants to worry what your job might think? Not me.

The test rescheduled and I arrive at the correct building. However, at first I failed to go to the right lab on the correct floor. The ladies were confused why I am asking about drug tests and they are like, we don't do that here. After asking another co-worker they informed me that I should go back downstairs and look for a different office.

While in the elavaort on the way donw all I could think about how I really should have re-read the e-mail with the infomraiton of exactly where to go for this test. The good news, I only had 3 floors to think about this so I didn't have long to kick myself.

I get to the new location and tell them I am suppose to take a drug test for my new company. They say yes, and they know what I'm talking about and have me take a seat.

Before I left the office I made sure to grab a book in case I had a wait. Half way on this adventure I laughed because I was like I now have a smart phone, I can play games!

That is when the lighting struck and I was like THIS is why people play on their phones so much. Waiting rooms are the perfect place for games! Or in my case the start of this blog post.

After only about 5 minutes of waiting I get called back.

I walk down a hall way with a nurse type person? I want to know if her day is always having people pee in cups for her. Is it a good job? Is a fun job? Is this, when going through school, what she thought she's be doing 5 days a week?

I show my ID, get told the instructions, and am told to go the bathroom.

Trying to pee in a cup is one of three times where I would prefer to be a guy. The other two being on a boat or in the woods. It would just be easier then trying not to pee on your hand/yourself/clothes depending on where you're peeing.

I finish, had her my sample, sign a paper or two and then head out the door.

I have no worries about this pee test, minus the poppy seed dressing I had on the salad the night before. Other then that I'm good.

Two more thoughts pop into my head though. One, how never wracking would it be to have to do a pee test and you might not be "clean?" That would have to be super stressful. Second, thought that I will NOT act on, is sweet now that's over I can go try "something." I wont, but it pops in my head.

Short adventure was over and it was time to get back to work.

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