What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Friday, July 26, 2013

I booked a trip.

Now to start this off, this isn't a bragging thing. This is, yet again, I had no idea what I was doing, fumbled around with a nice person, and made it work.

So my friend V. and I have been going on random trips now for about 3 years. We pick a spot, we go visit, we do something random, and call it a day.

The first time we did this it was a cruise.

Last year it was camping in Pennsylvanian.

This year, we're going to Jamaica to an all inclusive resort.

I'm super excited for the drinking on the beach and the playing in the water. So much so I'm already looking for some sun screen.

We also are using a Groupon. I have used these before for other random adventures, food, movie, horse back riding, you name it I've been using them. I think they are kind of awesome. However, a trip? With a travel time of about 8 hours? Really? We'll well just see what happens.

After figuring out the dates that we would like to travel, I went to go book this trip so then we could try and get our tickets. I wrote down the dates I wanted, the code from the group, the name of the resort, and walked out into our parking lot during my lunch break so I can make this clearly personal phone call.

While I sat waiting on hold, just for a few minutes, my mind started to wander. What  happens if they have a really heavy Jamaican accent and I have no idea what they are saying? I was starting to hit panic when a super nice lady, with little to no accent at all comes on the line. I think she was actually from Virginia originally.

So right out of the gate I'm my worst enemy. I had it planned out all in my mind she was going to ask when would you like to stay? Instead she was asking when I am arriving. Arriving? I hadn't I haven't bought the plane tickets yet so I don't know. After a polite excuse me I don't understand she clarifies she wants to know what days I want to be there.

Alright cool.

I can handle that. I tell her the dates. She is like okay. And what kind of room do you want?

Room? Um, I don't know. I know I had a Groupon, it was $xxx and I had a room with a view and mini bar? I don't know. I'm still pacing around the parking lot trying to remember what the Groupon said when I realize, I have a smart phone! I can look it up through my e-mail.

As I'm waiting for my e-mail to load I'm answering other information, giving her my contact information and things like that. However after about 5 minutes it isn't coming up. I cannot find this e-mail so I start to walk back to the office.

I'm half walking half running to my desk. I open my computer and the e-mail is pulled up, which I'm assuming is why I couldn't see it on my phone. I then also grab my my credit card.

There was a few more minutes of questions, answer, terms, conditions, prices, and things like that. This painful ordeal is almost over. I ask her how the shuttle works. She explains we call them back with the plane information and when we're at the airport there will be a desk that we go to right after customs.

I profusely thank her for all of her help and told her I had never done this before. Which, after this rough conversation she probably didn't need to be told that. I was that obvious.

Kicking, screaming, and royally sounding like an idiot the trip is booked.

My only other shock was when it came to booking my plane ticket. I was getting so freaked out by it that I asked V. if those prices seemed high. She has lots of extended family and has traveled WAY more then me. She said that was about what they cost, so I said okay.

So now, we're both booked both for our room and the plane. Now I just have to stumble one more time through the conversation to give them our flight information.

In summary, when booking at a resort, know the dates, room name/type, have your credit card with you, and the code for the Groupon. That will make everything go SO much smoother.

Has anyone else had a problem like this before? If so let me know below! Thanks!

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