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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I get older.

This week I am feeling old.

First, I put my hair up and that lovely little grey hair I seem to get at the corners of my head popped up. The good news is that it was curling ever so nicely with the rest of my hair so I didn't pull it out.

This time.

Mostly thought, my joints hurts. Either I'm paying more attention to it or all my joints seem to make noise when I move. In particular my shoulder has been bothering me more than normal.

So a few years ago I had a sledding accident. During this accident I messed up my shoulder pretty bad. No surgery but I created a cosmetic defect and had 6 weeks in a sling followed by a month of physical therapy. That was back in 2009.

For the most part that shoulder has been doing pretty good. I can still do pretty much anything I like. Rock climbing, serving, swimming, classes at the gym, and if I really felt like it, probably some push ups that I should be doing.

Over all, even though not the same as before it has has healed well.

However, last week, I was really having some problems. It just hurt, like all the time. Just an achy not working thing. It mostly flared up when I was trying to sleep too.

My work has a nurse practitioner come and visit and if we have any issues we can go ask her. Well, I like talking to doctor type people and was tired of being in pain, so I went and had a little talk with her.

After a few minutes and moving my arm in some random positions, she said that I have bursitis. Awesome.

She told me a little sack that keeps your bones and tendons separate is probably inflamed and just take a whole bunch of ibuprofen. That was the moment when I had to admit that I am getting older. It isn't the grey hair, or everyone being so young, or thinking about career and family and big life events like that. It isn't paying all the bills, and food, and taking care of the house and stuff, it is the aches and pains.

I haven't figured out if this is just something that will come and go or if it will be a constant thing yet.

However, instead of holding me back, it kind of makes me want to do all of my other physical goals and keep on going. You cannot guarantee days or you body staying a well oiled machine. So now I'm thinking of adding a Tough Mudder to the list. What do you think?

This shoulder thing and the problem of getting better at swimming, will put a damper on my goal of a triathlon this year but that is what next year is for right?

Anyone else have this pain? What to you do to help it?  Ice or heat?

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