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Friday, January 17, 2014

New Sunglasses!

So every time I work out I pay myself a dollar. If it is a hike, bike ride, run, long walk, canoe trip, race, soccer game, anything that isn't just walking around a mall it counts. Hey, it's my game I can make it as easy as I want.

Well this reward system has been going on for about 5 years or so. The first time I decided to spend some of this earned money it was on sports bras and socks and things like that.

This second time it was for a pair of really nice sunglasses. I needed them because when I go bike riding I need protecting from things like rocks that could fly up and hit me in the face. With these glasses, they should not shatter, so I don't have to worry about rock or plastic in my eyes. And it is kind of hard to wear a hat while you're also wearing a helmet, so sun glasses are a better idea.


Like most things, this took a long time for me to save up for. Mostly because when I had hit about the $80 mark, someone came in my house and stole my stash. It was my fault for having it in the open, but their fault for being a$$holes that broke into my house.

So this year in December when everyone else was shopping for friends, family, and random strangers, I went and bought these. My sister helped me pick them out. When it comes to performance sunglasses the selection for women is a little limited.

They are super light weight, polarized, and don't fog up too much.

I went for about a 4 mile run. They fogged up a little, but nothing to bad. They didn't slip, even when I was pouring sweat. They kind of have a brown tint to them so everything in the woods kind had the feeling of fall. It is okay thought, they worked really well.

The downside was that when I looked at them closely, I had noticed that where the nose parts were, one of the screw holes looked like it had been chipped away or something,.

So a few days later I had to return them and get a new pair. I paid a small fortune for them, I wanted to get a full and problem free pair. The guy that was working seem frazzled. He said all he's been dealing with are exchanges and refunds. I told him I was sorry and took my new non-blemished glasses and headed out.

Does anyone else have a story about how they got their sunglasses? If so leave a comment below!

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