What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

This blog takes ordinary events and makes them extraordinary. Okay, probably not, but you're going to be amused.

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Friday, May 24, 2013


So New Dude and I have been now dating for a little bit. We still talk every day and actually want to still see each other. That in itself is super exciting and very new too me. By now most people have gotten bored and we've both parted ways.
I am still "that girl" when I hang out with my friends because A LOT of the conversations involves New Dude. I don't feel too bad for it mostly because he's around and so we're going to talk and hang out and all that so of course my stories are going to involve him.
I am also becoming less of "that girl" that kind of fell out of touch with friends. I wasn't doing it on purpose, but when you have a New Dude in your life you want to spend time with him. With my work schedule and his work schedule being very hard, but not impossible, to work around, time with him was time I ignored phones. Plus, I'm still doing a pretty good job with not muti-tasking my time with people.
Most of the time when I answer the phone to New Dude I usually try and start it off with something like "Hey Handsome" or "Hi Baby" or "Hey, what are you doing"? When I end the conversations it usually ends with, "Alright baby, I'll talk to you later." Then the conversations keeps going and I try again a few more times. He's like me, and knows the conversation has to end but... still has something to talk about.
However, a little while ago, instead of "Alright baby, I'll talk to you later," I said "Alright dude, I'll talk to you later."
New Dude was like "Dude?" "Dude?" "What is with dude?"
Apparently going from Baby to Dude, after having said baby for a while, was a bit of some kind of down grade or something. So I was promptly called out on it. I thought it was kind of funny.
Apparently New Dude does listen when I talk. That's good because one of needs too and I know it's not me.
Alright dudes, enjoy your day!

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