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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Gallup Pole

Image courtesy of samuiblue at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
At work I have taken a Gallup Pole. I took a test of 177 question pairs that was like would you prefer to hang out with friends or go read a book. Lots and lots of questions. After some technical difficulties I received my strengths. This test has 34 categories or strength and they focus on the top 5. I would really like to know what the 10 are though.

Anyway, my top are strengths Positivity, Includer, Woo(Win Other Over), Analytical, and Strategic.


We had a little discussion about other people's how they work, what they do. It was really cool and very interesting. I met new co-workers. Well, they weren't new as much as I don't think I've actually interacted with them before. I agreed the descriptions of some of the people I did kind of know matched.

Over, all it was a really good little exercise. Until it came to how does this information help you and give you insight into my career.

I told them I don't know. So far this piece of paper says I am a talker/people person/thinker. Alright it all describes me pretty well. Now what? Like the position I am in, I talk to co-workers, I run jobs, and that's it? I feel like it nice to know how my brain is wired, that very awesome. Now what? What can I do with this information? Can they tell me what other jobs use my type of skill set the best? Is there a way I can start to talk to more people?

We'll I told our human resource department that put it on those things exactly. They said a lot of people told them the same thing so they are going to try and find that answer.

I also sent an e-mail to the lady that was directing this class thing as well to see if she can give any insights.

As of right now I was thinking that maybe I might have to switch to a party/even planner? I get everyone involved, I can talk to people, and I like making lists and getting things done. Random job jumping and stabbing in the dark and grasping at nothing.

My favorite part of the e-mail I sent to the person was when I described the information that I was given, was like being handed a map with no key or road names. It is nice and could be useful, but for the most part does me no good.

I'll keep you posted. In the mean time if anyone knows what a Positivity, Includer, Woo(Win Other Over), Analytical, and Strategic person should do as a career or how to apply PLEASE leave me a comment.

Have a fantastic day!

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