What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dog Bite

As you know from the post Puppies! I was bitten by the momma dog.

It hurt, it scared me, but I was okay. I got home, added a little bit of peroxide and antibiotic cream.

Everything was going well for a day or two until I told my mother about it. Then she kind of started to freak me out. She was asking all of these logical questions about why the dog bit me, if she was up to date on shots, and how long I've been bitten. 

Well, this of course got me thinking and worrying so I went to the internet for help. 

I went to the CDC, not WebMD only because that is where all good hypochondriacs go to die, to see what they said about dog bites/rabies.

After checking my timeline of how long I had been bitten, the fact I had no fear of water, light, drooling excessively, or fever I felt pretty confident about not having rabies. 

However, the nurse at work recommend that I at least go and get my tetanus shot updated. 

I made the appointment, went and the doctor said he said I was okay and didn't need to get a booster since it was still less than 10 years form my last one. So that was good.

As you know, everywhere I go I always try to learn something new. My doctor told me about two fun facts. The first is that, at least where I live, rabies shots are only available in hospitals, not in doctors offices. The second is that dog bites should be looked at because of the fear of infection.The bite it is a puncture wound. Which means all the germs/bacteria gets pushed down into the skin. So, the risk, if not taken care of properly, the wound will heat at the top while creating a infection under/in the skin.

Has anyone else been bitten by a dog before? What was your experience? Did you go get anyone to look at it? Let me know with a comment below! 

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