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Friday, June 12, 2015

Off The Rails Triathlon

On May 30th 2015 I completed The Off the Rails Triathlon in Roanoke, Virginia.

My break down is a follows:

I am happy with this time only because I finished.

I have had a very hard time as of late at getting motivated to exercise. Some of it comes from my knee injury, some of it comes form stress, but most of it just comes from lack of motivation. I signed up for this triathlon to get some motivation.

I cannot say it worked. I still didn't go to the gym like I should have. I didn't get in the pool like I should have, I didn't bike like I should have, I didn't run like it should have.

I showed up Friday night and looked at the pool, which was 50 meters verses the 25 that I normally practice in. I went home, got my stuff ready, drank some water and went to bed.

On Saturday morning I got up, and went to reap what I had sown.

I was not confident in the race, I could not go for time because I haven't done a triathlon like this before, all I knew is that I wanted to cross the finish line.

Picture after a warm up swim 
However, my attitude of just showing up to do what I needed to do slowly started to run into panic when I realized I had given them a way wrong swim time. I can probably swim a 100 meters in about 1:35, I put down 1:15. I was the third person to jump in the pool. I was passed by lots of people for my mistake. I really hope I didn't throw anyone off, that would make me very sad.

While swimming I was getting passed, almost kicked in the face, and had my googles fog up. But when I pulled myself out, I went off to the bike. The ride itself wasn't too bad, I've been down the roads and on the route before. It was quickly over and it was off to the run.

This would be the hardest part of the race. It was because my legs felt like mush. My body was low on energy, and I was hot and thirsty. The first part of the 5k was to go up and down a hill on unsteady legs.

I had yet to practice biking and then running since last year. I knew I had to do it. I knew I was going to do it, it was just going to be very slow.

Leg with my age written on it
I kept on running, on a route I've been before. Slowly, once step at a time. More people passing me, just one step at a time, just going, and going. I kept thinking I've run a half marathon I can do this. I've run 5ks before, one step at a time. As I breathed out I thought weakness and as I breathed in I thought you are strong you can do this. I got to the one water stop and turn around, had some water, walked a little and then continued back. I had a half a mile left, I could do this, I can do this.

Each step was the last I'd ever take for this exact race. Each step was that much closer to passing the finish line. Each step was a step towards making my body stronger. Each step was a reminder that I can do this. Each step was me doing this. Each step was getting closer to accomplishing my goal of finishing.

That hill came again and I tried to run up it, I have hills ALL around my house, that is how that loop works, I tried and failed. I had to walk. I was feeling a slight wheeze in my breathing and wanted to get that calmed down. I walked to the top, walked while it was a little flat and then continued my run.

One step closer to the finish line that I could now see. The finish line that was only a minute more to go.

I was able to push just a little bit more for a slight sprint.

It was ugly, it was long, it was not well done, but I finished. I can one again be proud to hold my head up high and declare, I am a triathlete.

I raked 132 out of 161 and was 8 out of 10 for my age group.

Has anyone else had a race/event like this? If so, let me know how you did with a comment below.
Medal and Bib
Picture taken at home before I took a shower. 

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