What to Expect from Adventures With ShanShan

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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Waiting Game

I hate this game.

Here I am, sitting in my car at the drive through and just waiting. The point of a drive through is to get in and out. To just drive through.

It is both the ultimate way to be lazy as well as get errands done in a hurry.

I always get conflicted when The Waiting Game happens. And I don't mean just 2 minutes waiting, this trip took 15 minutes.

I didn't know it would take 15 minutes, but I also didn't know when I should have given up.The people behind me did. They went inside to get their order while I just sat and waited. We did leave the parking lot at the same time.. so I'm still not sure who one this battle.

It is hard. The first 5 minutes you just sit there going, well, I can be patient, it is okay. It is only 5 minutes, no biggie, no hurry.

Minutes 6-7 you start to guess yourself, should I go in? Would it be more helpful? Would I be in and out already?

Minutes 8-9 is usually when the %&$@ and the *^#! come out. Along with a few wild hand motions, that involve slamming hands on the wheel. A few random, "Come on!"

And right about minutes 10 to the end, you've waited this long, just stay in the car and wait for it to end. Mostly, because if there was a wait inside the rage would take over. Plus, the convenience of the drive through is already lost.Why not just stay sitting down where you are more comfortable right?

Has anyone else had to deal with this struggle? What do you think? Is my time line correct? Am I missing any phases? Maybe the tears of regret around minute 20? Let me know with a comment below.

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